Growing Sprouts Indoors

How to Grow Sprouts IndoorsWondering how to grow sprouts indoors?

Check out this video below which explains the benefits to growing sprouts at home, different ways to use them and a really cool way of setting up your growing area.

You’ll see the sprout tray set up – ideal if you plan on growing lots of sprouts but don’t want to take up kitchen counter space. You don’t even need to grow them in your kitchen for that matter!

Shelving systems such as the one shawn can be purchased very inexpensively at places like Home Depot or Walmart. Of course you could always build one too for even less money, since they have such a simple design.

This unique growing arrangement does not take up much space, but it enables you to grow lots and lots of sprouts at one time. With clean, modern shelving and matching growing trays, the plants can actually be pleasing to look at and an interesting focal point of a room or space.

Have you ever heard that houseplants can help clean the air inside your home or office? Well, there’s another potential benefit. They may not be as beneficial as spider plants or other larger species, but when grown in bulk, those little sprouts add up.

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Stainless Steel Sprouting Trays for Growing Broccoli Sprouts

Save Money on Stainless Steel Sprouting Trays

Stackable Sprouting Trays have Holes for Drainage & Air Flow, So it's Easier to Grow Sprouts & Grow More in Less Space. No Plastic! Limited Time.
