
Molly Davenport at Broccoli Sprout Shop Talking About Germinating Broccoli Seeds

Thanks for stopping by! We can help you with germinating broccoli seeds at home with minimal cost and effort.

How I Got Started Growing Broccoli Sprouts:

I’m Molly. I’m health food fanatic, but I also love to save money. The two don’t always go together. Although broccoli sprouts provide lots of nutrition and health benefits, buying them gets expensive. That didn’t make me happy.

As usual, I started doing my online research. I found out that, unlike other superfoods, you can easily and inexpensively grow broccoli sprouts in your kitchen – all year round!  Awesome!

However, the main problem that people have when embarking on their own kitchen sprout gardens comes down to germination. For example, you need to watch out for too much moisture, too little water, not enough air flow, too little light – or too much.

Sprouting trays and electronic growing devices can easily help remedy these problems. Plus, they often cost less than you’d expect.

However, I also found a plethora of broccoli sprout alternatives – just in case I didn’t feel like growing sprouts all the time. There are supplements, extracts, powders, seed oils and more. This makes it super easy to get these awesome nutrients without having to eat broccoli with every meal!

Don’t get me wrong, Broccoli, I love you. =)

We try to provide enough information and resources on the site to answer any questions you might have about broccoli sprouts and how grow broccoli sprouts yourself.

However – we know that you may have questions that we just didn’t get to. Please ask! We are happy to help, especially when it comes to germinating broccoli seeds

molly @

Molly Davenport

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Stainless Steel Sprouting Trays for Growing Broccoli Sprouts

Save Money on Stainless Steel Sprouting Trays

Stackable Sprouting Trays have Holes for Drainage & Air Flow, So it's Easier to Grow Sprouts & Grow More in Less Space. No Plastic! Limited Time.
