What Foods Contain Sulforaphane?

List of Sulforaphane-Containing Foods You Can Buy at Your Local Market –
and Why You Need to Chew Them Raw to Receive Maximum Health Benefits.

14 Ways to Get Sulforaphane in Your KitchenThere are a variety of foods that contain sulforaphane. However, Desert Health News explains that “Sulforaphane doesn’t exist independently in plants; it must be created through a specific enzymatic process.”

This enzymatic process starts when there is damage to the plant (ie. chewing). Therefore, you must chew the foods that “contain” the sulforaphane in order for your body to actually receive its benefits.

As you’ll notice in the list below, these sulforaphane-containing foods typically need to be chewed. That said, over-cooking can destroy some if not all of the myrosinase, the enzyme required for the activation of sulforaphane.

The Natural Medicine Journal points out that a study was done where participants consumed broccoli sprouts and/or broccoli powder. The results showed that eating raw broccoli sprouts produced significantly more sulforaphane than did the broccoli powder.

This may be why broccoli sprouts are better known for containing this powerful cancer-fighter. I mean, who really cooks their sprouts? And I have yet to see someone swallow them whole without chewing them. =)

Furthermore, many of the vegetables listed below can be grown and consumed in sprout form. In other words, you can grow these greens from seed to an edible form. Plus, they won’t require a garden bed or even soil.

In general, you can harvest these “microgreens” in just a couple of weeks. As a result, you can grow greens in your kitchen without having an outdoor garden. Plus, you can grow broccoli sprouts year-round.

What Foods Contain Sulforaphane

Brussels Sprouts: What Foods Contain Sulforaphane?

  1. Broccoli Sprouts
  2. Kale
  3. Brussels Sprouts
  4. Collard Greens
  5. Broccoli
  6. Cabbage
  7. Mustard Greens
  8. Cauliflower
  9. Turnip
  10. Bok Choy
  11. Watercress
  12. Kohlrabi
  13. Broccoli Raab
  14. Radish

So, we know that broccoli sprouts are nutritious, and they contain lots of sulforaphane which can help with detoxification. However, did you know that we can triple the amount of sulforaphane in the sprouts before we eat them?

Dr Rhonda Patrick Explains How:


Stainless Steel Sprouting Trays for Growing Broccoli Sprouts

Save Money on Stainless Steel Sprouting Trays

Stackable Sprouting Trays have Holes for Drainage & Air Flow, So it's Easier to Grow Sprouts & Grow More in Less Space. No Plastic! Limited Time.
